Two weeks ago it was the Teleton here in Mexico. The Teleton is a one day show to gather money to build and maintain operational rehabilitation centers for disabled and sick children. There is a Teleton each year and more than 40 rehabilitation centers have been built across the country. They all possess state-of-the-art technology that the poor families of those children could never afford otherwise.
My dwarves were arguing about the Teleton. It was a very hot argument. Their opinions were divided. Half believed in giving one peso to the Teleton. Half of them refused. They had read negative propaganda on the Internet about the Teleton being a fraud. The president's wife recently bought a 84 million pesos house and she claims she did it with money she earned working for Televisa. Televisa is the TV company that sponsors the Teleton. Absolutely no actor make that kind of money if not working for Hollywood and being famous. We all know it. People in Mexico is raging already. They are raging and hurt and they have ran out of patience. We all suffer because of the great insecurity, because of the drug war, because of the many who disappear to never be seen alive every other day. We suffer because of the frauds and corruption and theft from the government we hear about on daily basis. Some places are technically war zones. We live in fear.
As Yoda said, fear produces anger and anger produces hate. When you hate, you are no longer thinking right. Sometimes you do not care who hurt you but where to release your wrath and outrage. Any excuse will do. And then you make innocents pay for others' injustices.
This year, the lack of will to contribute to the Teleton was sadly evident. People wouldn't give because of what they read in social media. 99.9% of people never take the time to verify if what they read on Facebook, Twitter and dis"informative" sites is true or not. They just read it and immediately think on sharing it. It happens in Mexico, but it also happens everywhere else. "I tell you this because I heard it from the sister of the cousin of the father of a friend of mine and she saw it all." "I saw it on Facebook, so it have to be true."
I've been at those Centers of Rehabilitation. I've known children who have been blessed with their help. I know something good comes out of the Teleton, regardless who sponsors it. Social unhappiness almost made disabled innocent children pay for the government's and the drug dealers' crimes. I am not Christian. I'm Buddhist. And until not so long ago, the bitterness and hurt in my heart made me the dragon version of the Grinch. Yet, I would like to make you think about what you are giving to others, not just this season but always. Every action you do in your daily life, that's what you're giving to the world.

Being RIGHT is overrated. It's far better being GOOD. Be good to your family, to your friends and to those who share this world with you. I'm not saying you go out and hug everyone, but if you give way to another car, if you smile to the those attending you, if you bite your tongue before saying something ill against another, you're already giving blessings to many.
Dragon and Dwarves wish you the most blessed of Christmas and a New Year full of chances to become the best version of yourself.
Nicely said, FD....
ReplyDeleteAnd you are so right. Giving just a smile to someone goes such a long way. A kind tone in one's voice can certainly sooth the beastly behavior so many stressed out people have these days. I've been smiling so much more lately and I find it brings a smile on many tense faces. It doesn't always work, but the odds are in my favor.
I understand the feelings of your people. Governments are SO corrupt! I live in Chicago and believe me the politicians pocket most of the taxes here, but I do see good too. and I think we all need to step back and observe.
I wish you a peaceful and festive season. May your Dragon's heart be filled with music and laughter....
Do the right thing, always.
ReplyDeleteShame about the Teleton. One could always donate directly to one of those centers instead.
The gift of our time, our understanding, our concern - those are more valuable than any physical gift.
Beautifully said. That's sad about Teleton, and even more so that so many people believe what they read online without checking the facts. I try to be extra good at this time of year since I know how stressful it is for a lot of people. Smile more, hold doors, give someone else that parking spot. The little things do matter.
ReplyDeleteEverything you said is so true querido dragon. I am so sorry about the Teleton, corruption in Mexico is something we have all heard about and especially the drug problems. I agree that giving of yourself is so much better particularly if you can do it year long. Didn't know you were a Buddhist, I have several friends who practice that religion. The very happiest of Christmases too you and Mother Dragon.
ReplyDeleteVery well said. With the amount of information we come across everyday, it's sad that a lot of times people don't verify the truth before they spread the word. Hope you have a great holiday season.
ReplyDeleteHi Father Dragon ... it's so dreadful all this corruption - what on earth planet do they come from .. they're in power and then they want to steal .. so so sad ... helping disabled, sick and disturbed children is just an essential of life .. but they're not given the thought we need to give them ..
ReplyDeleteThanks for highlighting their plight and the theft of their donated inheritance .. appalling state of affairs ...
My thoughts to you and Mother Dragon over the seasonal time .. and a happy better 2015 - let's hope kindness, smiles, thoughtfulness will spread around the world and be encompassed by all peoples ... Hilary
There are always people ready to tear down the good in life. As a social services worker, I know how much admin funding is necessary to keep a charity running to full capacity. Many believe the administrators should never get paid for their work; but it is such a huge job that unless you are independently wealthy, the positions need paid full time. I know some administrators and workers do abuse their position and possibly rob the organizations; but I also know of the thousands and thousands of volunteer that donate their time and money to the charities. True believers make the system work, and do much good in the world.
ReplyDeleteI feel your dragon smiles and best wishes all the way to my home in the foothills Al. Just knowing there are caring people such as yourself in this world makes it a better place. Sending you joy and peace.
Wonderful post.
ReplyDeleteI would add though - be good to yourself. You in particular FD. You are very, very skilled at whipping yourself and I am yet to see you ever give yourself even the tiniest pat on your very caring back.
"Being RIGHT is overrated." I totally agree. Anger and intolerance is growing daily. All we can do about it is not to be touched by it, not to let what others do change us.
ReplyDeleteJust a smile or a kind word can change so many things for the positive. Of course, we'll never do away with greed and selfishness, I'm afraid. Those are things that seem to be universal and at the heart of humankind. The best we can do is mitigate those selfish act of people with the 84 million pesos house by being generous of spirit and, when possible, pocketbook. Sharing your thoughts on these matters is always powerful, so thanks for doing that here.
ReplyDeleteMay your Christmas be joy filled.
It's better to be wrong at your own expense than at someone else's.
ReplyDeleteYou always have the best advice, Father Dragon. (Tweeted this.) :)
ReplyDeleteHi Al,
ReplyDeleteThus, you display the warm ambience of the spirit of kindness, courtesy and consideration, no matter what time of the year. A spirit I embrace and live by.
I shall be mostly alone on Christmas Day and yet, I will not be alone as I shall, like other years, be online for those who need to chat.
A peaceful, hopeful Christmas to you and your loved ones, my kind friend.
I love how you ended this post. I see more angry, stressed out, anxious people too. I just want to tell them to take a deep breath, slow down, and feel the Christmas spirit around them. A smile or small gesture can go a long way to make someone's day. And often when you do a good deed for someone they're inclined to do a good deed for someone else as well. :0
ReplyDeleteI think what needs to happen is I need to get my dwarf-ettes on your dwarves for some spankings. just saying!!
ReplyDeleteThis is an excellent reminder about so many things. Social media has made it possible to connect with people all over the world (good thing). It's made it possible to disseminate important information quickly (good thing). It makes it possible for people to scam others (bad thing). It makes it possible to disseminate completely wrong information quickly (bad thing). So, this thing called social media should be handled with care.
ReplyDeleteWe have the opportunity to be kind and good all year--every day, in fact. I think that the combination of the year ending and the holiday season tends to create stress. Given that, we all need to slow down, instead of speed up, and call upon our patience reserves to get through it. Kindness from a stranger, or even a friend, might be the best gift you give this year!
Very well said. I receive emails all the time that are full of misinformation, forwarded by people who should know better. Many of these are malicious and harmful. If only we were so eager to share what is good and hopeful and full of joy.
ReplyDeleteThere are many charities that are frauds - not just in Mexico, but all over the world. Even some that aren't frauds use too much donated money to keep their own employees and infrastructure going. It's hard to know who's right and who's wrong...
ReplyDeleteGreat post. There are also many people that I know who are distressed that they don't have the money to buy lavish gifts, or they spend too much and then can't pay the bills in January. But there are so many ways to help throughout the year! There are many retirement homes with elderly residents who have no family. They would LOVE a visit, and a gift can be as simple as some scented lotion or a cozy little blanket. Animal shelters need pet food and toys, and if you have the time many shelters appreciate volunteers who can walk or play with animals. And yes, as someone who worked in retail for many years, a genuine smile and nice comment from a customer can be a meaningful gift after a long day of disgruntled, angry shoppers.
ReplyDeleteAl, I almost forgot - thank you for the Christmas card. That was very thoughtful of you. Have a wonderful Christmas.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great post, Al. Really nailed what I've been seeing lately on FB. I really don't get the kick some people get spreading misinformation. I find life much easier being good and kind and healthily internalizing my issues rather than project them onto other people. Having said that, I hope these centers get the funding they need.
ReplyDeleteHave a very Happy New Year, Sir Dragon! :)
Happy New Year to you and your family, Father D!
ReplyDeleteYou don't look a day over 795 years old Al and there are some great supportive people out there.