"...But somewhere along the line you changed. You stopped being you. You let people stick a finger in your face and tell you you're not good. And when things got hard, you started to look for something to blame..." - Rocky BalboaThe more I meditate about life, the more I realize there is a permanent battle between my brain and my spirit. My spirit speaks of greatness and miracles and endless possibilities. My brain speaks of past wounds, fears, flaws and limitations. My spirit compels me to aim for the sky, my brain plots to chain me to the ground. They fight over the control of my actions and I pay close attention to this war. Today, I share my findings with you.
My brain empowers people to decide not just my worth, but also my capacities and mood. "You make me angry." "They drive me crazy." "This disheartens me." Any of this sound familiar? It does to me.
One of my life teachers (who is a professional clown) once told me, "No one can make you angry. You allow them to make you angry."
Upset, I replied "It's the same shit."
"No, it is not. The first statement gives you an excuse and someone to blame. The second one makes you 100% responsible."

My grandfather, Father Dragon "The Great", used to say: "Just remember every time you point one finger, three fingers are pointing back at you."
"...You, me, nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain't matter of how hard you can hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!"- Rocky Balboa.Did you know that in life-threatening situations, those who panic and lose hope are more likely to die? Did you know that the attitude is a critical factor for any disease to heal or get worse? But keeping a positive attitude when it seems the world is collapsing on your head is little less than impossible. On those times, I have needed every ounce of will just to achieve the next breath, let alone not getting mad or crying. It was just cover my head and hope the next blow would not knock me out cold.
"It's all over. We're so very screwed. Just drop and die!" My brain would scream.
My spirit, however, says different. "There is a reason for this and it is NOT for you to dig your own grave. Don't hide. Face it! Fight it! Win!"

Determination alone won't give you all answers or make the pain go away or make things easier. But it is the critical factor between those who cross the ocean and those who die trying.
"Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not point fingers and say you weren't what you wanted to be because of him, or her or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you! You're better than that!" - Rocky Balboa.You wouldn't believe how many times I've repeated these words to myself in the last three months. I'm sure those who have multiple voices in their heads will understand perfectly. That would be all the writers. I have artistic, life and spiritual goals. I work on daily tasks leading to those goals. At the end of the day, I meditate on how many tasks I did and how many I missed or failed. One voice in my head immediately comes up with a long list of
Grandmother dragon loved to say "My darling, to the bad musician even the fingernails are a problem." It's an old Mexican saying and it means when you're not willing to do something right, you will always have an excuse ready.
I've seriously wondered lately if I might be becoming too stern for my own good. I've meditated deeply about it, as I search for inner peace. There is a voice in my heart. A wise, peaceful, kind voice answering... "No. You are just becoming responsible for your actions. You're re-educating your brain and starting to believe in yourself." I really hope so.
This post is part of the IWSG, created by Alex J. Cavanaugh. We post the first Wednesday of each month. Thanks to Julie, Rachna, Ilima and Beverly, the gracious co-hosts of this month.
Wow. What an absolutely brilliant attitude to adopt.
ReplyDeleteAnd it is about time I also started taking more responsibility. Not necessarily for where I am - but certainly for where I am going.
Thank you Sir Father Dragon. Thank you very much.
It's a good practice. Tough but good, I think. Glad it made sense to you. :D
DeleteAs always dear Dragon you inspire me to keep going, keep trying. I too am a firm believer in positivity, even at my lowest points I strive to look for the path ahead. Negativity and anger fuels itself. Have a peaceful and positive day.
ReplyDeleteThat's the spirit. Never quit. I still get angry but working on that. One day I'll get there. :) Thanks for coming, Suzanne.
DeleteAl, you nailed it. It's all in our attitude and all up to us. We are responsible for us. It's the hardest thing in the world sometimes, but we have to keep moving forward and believing.
ReplyDeleteIt's a full time job, at least for me, but somewhere in my heart I know it is worth the effort. And keep believing! :)
DeleteOur reasons may be different, but we're on parallel journeys. I too have been tuning inward, seeking my truth and accepting responsibility. It is scary sometimes because it means ridding myself of the toxicity and making changes are all on me. Yikes. I also am trusting there is a higher power to help lead me through the process. That is my hope, anyway.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I would get anywhere without the guidance of the Higher Powers, indeed. I'm quite aware I drive the car, but I still need the road signs.
DeleteI'm glad to think on parallel journeys, I've learned a lot from your findings too. :)
Absolutely what I needed to read at the moment. Feeling hurt but not realizing I'm responsible for allowing it, thanks for that. I do need an attitude adjustment. Your words are always inspirational, Al, and I especially love this: "No. You are just becoming responsible for your actions. You're re-educating your brain and starting to believe in yourself." Thank you!!!! And hugs!!! :D
ReplyDeleteAnd your words make my day, S.K! It's good to know you found it helpful. The attitude adjustment is rather a frequent thing, I think. Part of the journey. You just gave me another thing to think about! :) Dragon Hugs!
DeleteNail on the head, Sir! Nail on the head! If anyone on this good green earth is capable of believing in themselves, it's you. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd you!!!! :)
DeleteElanor Roosevelt said "No one can make me feel inferior but myself." That is because there is only one thing on this earth we can control - the space between our ears. Our thoughts, our attitude - it's not someone else's responsibility. It's ours.
ReplyDeleteI so much agree...and you just made me smile. Thanks!
DeleteI'm tough and optimistic, but even the toughest of us can be beaten down by our circumstances. Sometimes I just get too weary to fight anymore. I'm glad you're finding your way.
ReplyDeleteThen sit and rest. Sometimes we do need the breather and there is no wrong in that. We take a break, catch our breath and then we stand and keep on going. Dragon hugs!!
DeleteI should have had you as a guest speaker in my health classes last year. We spent two days while I tried to convince them that no one can 'make' you angry. You chose to become angry. Rocky sure had some wise words.
ReplyDeleteIt is not easy to understand, most of all by people who gets angry all the time. I know it took me dozens of years to get a grasp of the basic idea, let alone be willing to practice it. Yet, once I got it, it made a dragon big difference in life.
DeleteAbsolutely right on. We can't control much, but we can control what's important--our attitude. I keep telling myself that all the time. I have to because I have this small human brain with leaks. Great post and I'm glad my break is over so I can come back and say hi again.
ReplyDeleteMe too have brain with leaks, hahahahaha. Care to make a club? Dragon dancing happily now to see you by the cave again. Dragon Hugs!
DeleteHi Al, there was so much wisdom and inspiration in this post. I am going to follow this "No one can make you angry. You allow them to make you angry." From now onwards, I won't allow people to make me angry, I will not give them that privilege.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry I am okay. I will be back soon.
Hugs to my favourite dragon.
Rachna Chhabria
Co-host IWSG
Rachna's Scriptorium
:D Glad to know and we'll be waiting with plenty of dragon hugs. Yes, let's keep the power over ourselves. It's not always easy but it's worth.
DeleteOh wow, this line, "No one can make you angry. You allow them to make you angry." It is true, it isn't easy even knowing it, but we are responsible for how we react to things. I try to greet each day with a smile, but I find it harder some times than others. This post really helped me a lot actually. I need to look at life as if I were trying to enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying too, Brandon, everyday. As you say, some are more difficult than others but the point is keep trying. :)
DeleteFantastic post! I agree about taking personal responsibility. I see so many people shifting the blame around these days. No one wants to be responsible for themselves. Strange thing, my Nana used to say that bit about the finger pointing. As kids, we giggled about it, but I now know her as a wise woman.
ReplyDeleteWe, too, used to chuckle and makes jokes about it. As one gets older then starts to understand many things. :)
DeleteGoogle ate my comment...it can't make me angry, it can't make me angry... argh!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I was just thanking you for your playful punch to my gut. :) I've been working on the anger thing lately, reminding myself that I'm in charge of my emotions and don't let things get to me. I'll let you know when it starts working. :/
Seasoned With Words
Google is failing since yesterday. It's acting up on me too.
DeleteThe point is never quit, I'm sure one day we'll master it. Dragon Hugs!!
I love the Rocky series. The first was the best. Great speech here. Now I feel like doing something awesome!
ReplyDeleteGo, go, go! :D
DeleteI love that Rocky clips. It is one of my all-time favorites.
ReplyDeleteOh, Al, so much good stuff in this post. Let's focus on attitude. I agree with you so much. And I also understand why it is hardest to muster up a good one when life is beating you down to the ground. However, you are 100% right about a change in attitude being the biggest determinant to our success. I love yours!!!
Thanks, Robin! Yes, I think determination is what has kept my sanity in place during the darkest times. There's nothing left to do but keep working hard and moving ahead. Dragon Hugs!
Delete"Just remember every time you point one finger, three fingers are pointing back at you."
ReplyDeleteWow, I love that quote and will steal it....often :)
Hang in there, Al!
:D Be my guest, Mark!
DeleteYeah, but sometimes a good cry is exactly what I need to wash away all the gloom and start looking up :)
ReplyDeleteHello Al; thank for all the gifts of wisdom in this post. And smiles. I smile when I'm in agreement, and giggle a bit when I know I have some work to do in the personal responsibility area. Eck, gotta have something to work on when we're bored, lol.
Have a good week Sir.
Certainly. An old wise doctor used to prescribe crying an hour daily. He said it was healthy. :)
DeleteI'm most happy I made you smile. That's like a plus. :) Let's get to work then.
Dragon Hugs for you.
Great post. It's hard to remember this when you're in the middle of things and carried away by emotion, but things are always better when we take a moment to look at things calmly and focus on how to make ti better rather than who to blame.
Moody Writing
That's true, Moody. Perspective change drastically when you're upset and when you're calm. We think better in the second case. Thanks for coming. :D
DeleteWise words Al!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing... this really resonated with me...
It brought this quote to mind: Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent... these are words that I've latched onto... almost like a mantra... but it's an ongoing challenge... and very difficult at times, as I constantly strive to be a better individual... and shed a skin attached to the painful and turbulent past of my land and of my people...
Take care.
I hear you there. Truth is that when one finds this is a daily struggle, the level of difficulty increases all of a sudden. But as I said, it is a struggle worth fighting. I'm sure. Dragon Hugs!
DeleteAs usual your post gave me the chills, Al. It hit me right at the beginning because just last week I was having a conversation with someone about how at some point I changed and "stopped being me" and I'd like to get back to the spirit I had before that happened. I blamed outside circumstances that it happened at all but really I know I'm the one responsible.
ReplyDeleteWonderful post and I love your grandmother's saying about the bad musician. Perfect!
It's funny how sometimes we run into a certain subject we have been dealing with previously or for some days. I take it as a message from above, something I should put close attention to. Becoming responsible for ourselves might get us back in the right track.
DeleteDragon Hugs! :)
Al, this couldn't have come at a better time. I'm in the process of trying to "reprogram" my brain right now. I'm done with the down. And I want to be happy and believe in myself. I truly do believe in positive thoughts. All of your thoughts and discoveries here are SO interesting. Love reading this, Al. You've got such a great soul!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad it proved helpful to you, Morgan. I honestly wondered if I made any sense at all since sometimes I sound confusing even to myself, hahaha. I am even happier than you feel it's time to look up and move. Very glad indeed. Dragon hugs for you! :)
DeleteYou're such a wise dragon!! I took my dad to chemo and there was this lady getting her treatment and she flat out told me she was going to die. After she left, I asked my dad's transfusion nurse if the lady's prognosis was going to be death and she said, "With that attitude it will be. All of them who say they are going to die do. Got to stay hopeful."
ReplyDeleteWhen I was working with youths, who often had outbursts, I would ALWAYS use the people don't make you angry, you allow them to make you angry. You hand them the power and the control of your spirit like a puppet on a string. I've gotten to the point in my life that I am so difficult to anger that people think I'm sweet ;)
And that's where I want to get, to the point where it is really difficult for people or circumstances to get me upset. I want to keep the clear perspective of my responsibility.
DeleteI can tell you I've proven that the relation between attitude and ailment is true and decisive. It had a lot to do with me being able to get my miracle about my health. I've become living proof of health by attitude. ;) Happy to see you around. Dragon Hugs!
ReplyDeleteThis reminds me of a status update I put on FB a little while ago...about pointing out the thing that irritates me about someone is actually me pointing three fingers back at myself. Changes I must make. Once we take personal responsibility for our actions, more power is given back to us. We overcome.
The clown was right. No one has power over us that we don't give them. Good post, my friend.
M.L. Swift, Writer
Al, I tagged you in the Thursday post. I figured I'd better tell you before the next one rolls around. Hope you like it:)
ReplyDeleteVery powerful post, Al. Love the Rocky quotes too :)
ReplyDelete>>... One of my life teachers (who is a professional clown) once told me, "No one can make you angry. You allow them to make you angry."
ReplyDeleteThat reminded me of this:
"I would permit no man, no matter what his color might be, to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him."
~ Booker T. Washington
~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'