Friday, April 5, 2013

Chronicles of the Dragon Cave from A to Z: E is for Exercise and Entertainment

      Note: Thank you for your visits and comments and even your visits without comments. Dwarves are working diligently every day on their minion duties -and won't fail, as I gave my word- but the dragon is facing a temporary "power failure" so the visits to my friends are reduced to correspond the comments left in the cave. We kind of knew there was a possibility this would happen during the challenge but I'm taking all necessary measures to have my power fully reestablished a.s.a.p. Thanks for your understanding. I'm still your fan.

     The following was recorded last month during the preparations for the A to Z challenge.
    “Silence everyone!” Pancholin shouted. Eventually, the restless chattering stopped.
   Tassin stepped up. “The A to Z will keep us very busy. In order to avoid nervous breakdowns and cranky moods, Master commands two hours of exercise and light entertainment daily for all of us.”
   Dwarves clapped and raise their pints in celebration.
   “Cardio: sprints in the Main Chamber. Master will set loose infamous shredder Chihuahua dog to motivate speed in runners. Work out: lift weight in the Treasure Chamber. We’ll change the golden statues to the left side to improve dragon Feng-shui. Finally, swimming. Don’t forget your caps as some of you lose hair as if you were molting. Master doesn't want hair all over the Thermal Pool.”
   “He loses scales too and we aren't complaining.” A voice rose over the noise.
   Tassin frowned. “Of course not. Dragon scales are so rare we get to sell them at an excellent price. But no one wants to buy dwarf hairballs so caps are mandatory.”
   At that point, my minions’ faces were all but cheerful. I approached and brought their attention to me. “After the challenge, I will give you a vacation. A month off, all expenses paid, including drinks and a ticket to the Dwarf Can-Can Follies.”
  The ovation was deafening.
Celebrate the Small Things is the brilliant idea of VikLit. It's a wonderful exercise to remember the good things that happened to us during the week and we post every Friday. Join us, it is fun!

1. I had a wonderful Monday thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh. He made my natural red more intense with his A to Z post and well, he knows already what it meant for me so I won't repeat it here. It was a great Monday.

2. I had an incredible Tuesday, thanks to D.L. Hammons and the Blog Blitz crew. (If you haven't joined yet, what are you waiting for? It rocks!) I will just say if Alex sent a parade my way, D.L. turned the dragon cave into the Sambodromo during the Carnival at Rio. I had a few dwarves with nervous crisis because of the unexpected crowd but soon enough they were joining the party. It was spectacular!

3. I missed last week's celebration because of preparations and because I got bad news that vexed me enormously (about my war with the Dragon Slayer) earlier that week. I needed time to digest it and silence to reorganize my thoughts. I was going to post about it this Wednesday but time was scarce. I won't go into detail here either. Probably on a Sunday, probably next month. Basically, I am between the wall and the sword but I've gathered nerve enough to celebrate it. Why? Because I'm pulling for a miracle and I feel somewhere deep in me that I can make it happen. If all doors close, then it is probably because you are the chosen one to go get a darn bulldozer, break through the wall and create your own door. Yes, I celebrate the bad news, because I'm gearing for a decisive showdown and I'm determined to come out triumphant.

Surely you also have things to celebrate, what are they? New friends? Old friends? Sun or snow? A good cup of coffee? Share with us!


  1. Exercise is very important! But right now, I would love a month of vacation! And the Thermal pool sounds so relaxing . . . until I pictured hair all over it. :P

    1. I Promise no hair by the time the tour arrives to the pool :)

  2. Exercise is great but I'm with Elise, vacation time is coming soon

  3. I love the scene.

    I hope the miracle happens for you.

    1. Thanks, Medeia. I appreciate the good vibe.

  4. Exercise all body, soul, and mind.

  5. A shredder Chihuahua sounds like great motivation for running. Where can I get me one of those?

    "Yes, I celebrate the bad news, because I'm gearing for a decisive showdown and I'm determined to come out triumphant." - what an excellent attitude to have. Sorry about the bad news, but I'm high-fiving you for not giving in and being determined to beat it! :D

    1. Well, I trained her. Dwarves didn't appreciated it at first, but then got used. :D Thank you Clare!

  6. Yes, it is good to avoid those nervous breakdowns and cranky moods. Cardio is it! =)

    And today I am celebrating the fact that almost all the snow in my backyard has melted. Not in the front yard, but definitely in the back. Yipee!

  7. Love the scene. Hope the miracle happens for you (fingers crossed)

  8. At least you did the "Celebrate" hop. I didn't do it this week. So much going on with the challenge and being a minion so you get a high-five for it! Hope you get your full power back soon.
    Dani @ Entertaining Interests

  9. You will have your miracle! And hopefully it isn't covered in dwarf hairballs.
    Glad you enjoyed your Monday and Tuesday surprises.

  10. Aw, that made them happy little minions.

    I hope you are triumphant.

  11. Best of luck in battling the Dragon Slayer...I'm rooting for you!

  12. Remember...Father Dragon DaGreat is with you...Draw from his FIRE!!! Oh, and sic that 'Shredder ChiWaWa' on the Dragon Slayer!
    AtoZ LoneStar Quilting Bee

    1. Thank you very much, Sue. I'm keeping it in mind. :D

  13. I am a BIG believer in miracles. I've seen quite a few happen in my life. *fingers crossed* for you!

    And a good cup of coffee, is definitely something to be celebrated in my life!

  14. Celebrating a great week with the Challenge! It's been fun. Send you good vibes for positive results!

  15. HI, Al,

    Congrats on an EXCITING WEEK!!!!! I love your positive attitude it is SO needed in today's world of so many ups and many more downs...

    I'm thankful for at least a few hours of wifi that I grab at the local McDonald's and library. IF not for that I would not be commenting now! I am currently out of town and staying in a wifi free home...

    Also celebrating my iPhone may it keep charged for the only link I have to all of you! Have a great weekend!

    1. Great weekend to you too Michael. I am thankful for your wifi too hahaha.

  16. I want to tell you that your celebrating the bad news - get the bulldozer and build your down door comment was exactly what I needed to hear this morning. Thanks! I knew I liked you. So glad we met.

    1. I am very glad too that it did you well. :)

  17. This is my first trip to your lair, courtesy of A-Z, and I have thoroughly enjoyed myself. You have a fun, smart humor and I admire the feel of your voice. I'll be back... Visiting from

    1. Welcome to the dragon cave, Jadie. I'm glad to hear that. :)

  18. Love the dialogue and can really put me "there". I can just see those cranky guys. Cute, hmmmmmmm, they wouldn't like that word.

    1. Don't worry, you're not the first who has called them so. :)

  19. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Al.

  20. Al-- I am sending you a very warm Spam Hug and lots of love and prayers. I can't imagine you ever cranky.

    1. Hug spam is the best to start with. Already feeling stronger :)

  21. And this is why you were featured by Alex and blitzed by us, you celebrate the bad stuff because you will try your hardest to conquer it. That being said, I truly hope it all works out and I'll be praying for that miracle. Big hugs.

    1. Thank you, S.K. Your support is great and gold to me.

  22. "...infamous shredder Chihuahua dog." I love this.

    Now go get that darn bulldozer.

  23. Its the little things in life that make it so special. A cuppa vanilla tea, some chocolate, good music, great friends, good times and fabulous family.

  24. Absolutely love the scene.

    I'm sorry the Dragon Slayer is giving you so much trouble and will hope with all my heart that you get your miracle. All the best to you, Al. Take care!

  25. I'm glad your week is going well!

    I wouldn't mind a month's paid vacation!


  26. Let loose the infamous shredder Chihuahua dog!

  27. Yikes! Shredder Chihuahua! My good news for today is that my son is taking a nap. I have time to visit all these wonderful blogs. :)

  28. Celebrating bad news is a new one. I hope you defeat the dragon slayer and win your battle. I'm rooting for the dragon. Tell the dwarves they don't know how lucky they are.


    1. Thank you for your words, Jo. We're ready now.

  29. Sounds like you handle those dwarves well! Work hard and play hard. We could all benefit from a month's holiday after this!

  30. Great scene!

    I'm pulling for you to have a miracle, too!

  31. Sambodromo during the Carnival at Rio. Why didn't I use that description?? :)

  32. Dragon scales are indeed priceless. I am thankful that today is Friday, I have my Saturday post written, and I get to try and catch up on Sunday. Dare I say gain ground???? Woohoo.

    1. Certainly, that's what Sundays are for, hahaha.

  33. Sorry I missed Tuesday. Been having crazy computer problems. But its great to be bombarded by friends in an awesome way!

    1. No worries, Stephen. I know of your problems with blog and everything. I consider myself blitzed by you too. :)

  34. So nice to meet you / hope you felt encouraged by the blitz

    Liked your name so stopped by to say "hi"
    now I like your writing too

    Happy Weekend

    We are at Lady's Knght

  35. Re: your note. In times such as these, Father Dragon should invest in power-producing bicycles and order the dwarves to work shifts peddling their little beards off so Father Dragon can fulfill his duties. And the exercise will do them good. Also, I hear that "Dwarves To Go" is running a special leasing dwarves by the day for temporary work--just in case Pancholin and friends collapse from pedal exhaustion.

    1. Hahaha, my morning laugh. I imagined dwarves peddling like crazy. Not a bad idea, though. Not bad at all. Hmmm. :D

  36. Good for you for celebrating the bad news and go you, come out triumphant. You deserve all the blitzing visitors you got this week!

  37. May your exercise not only be good for the dwarves and the rest of the cavehold, but may it build you up even more for the war at hand.

    And those sound like great celebrations!
