I am thrilled. My good friend Sir Jeff Hargett chose to undertake a mission of his own and engage his word to the dragon. Very brave indeed, since he knows Father Dragon doesn't take words of honor lightly. I know it was not an easy decision for him but I also know it was about time. Action is the only way to turn dreams into something else than good intentions in our heads.
I believe in you, Sir Jeff. You have been there for me since the beginning of my journey in the blogosphere and into the English Writing world. It is an honor for the dragon to be able to nudge and prod you all the way to your success, if needed be.
"Their thoughts were the source of their acts.
Their feelings were the source of their thoughts.
The invisible and spiritual essence inside them determined their present and their world.
The outstanding factor was their faith."
Of Heroes (T.Carlyle)

*Few chuckles later*
I am interested in your opinion about the new look of the cave. I had to make room in the cave for a new tab. I wanted to have a special wall to honor Dragon's Eleven (and as a reminder they gave me their word to do something.)
I changed the template because the previous one only allowed me four tabs. Everything pleases me except the post background. I changed the grey background to white. Personally, I liked the dark grey (even black) more. However, I've heard there are people who find very difficult to read white font over dark background. Truth is the Fridge White background is sight-straining to me but many blogs have it like this and I still read them. Since I want you to feel comfortable when visiting, I thought on asking your opinion.
My dwarves are up for the production of their new show. Since someone suggested there were many places in Vegas where they could sign for a show, they happily accepted the idea of the Disco Dwarves. Now we are trying to make a decision about the music.
Our list has narrowed to: Barry Manilow's Copacabana; Earth, Wind and Fire's Fantasy; Let's Groove Tonight (same band and my favorite). They also can go all John Travolta style with Far From Over or Close to the Fire from Staying Alive.
We don't want to make "I'll survive" as I don't like it. Pancholin got six hundred smacks for suggesting Lady Marmalade. Oh, yes, and Milin wants Disco Samba. Sessin wants The Man with the Golden Arm but I already told him that's not disco. He wants to make a detective series. An aftereffect from his clones drinking his beer reserves, I presume.
What do you think? Any thought about the background? Care to help my dwarves with a suggestion? And most important, do you have a pending mission that is waiting for you to be brave and determined? Tomorrow is an illusion. The right moment is now. Dragon's Eleven is up for action. :)
I like the new look! Glad you were able to add more pages.
ReplyDeleteAny of those songs will work, although I admit I am not a Manilow fan. You could do Boogie Nights. The Rob Zombie version! Yeah, not really disco...
And cheers to Jeff! He is the one who suggested I check out a brand new blogger - YOU. Very glad I did.
Alex, I checked the Rob Zombie version. You've given my today's perma grin (you and my dwarves' faces.) They say: "Maybe next century."
DeleteJeff opened the door for us to meet, indeed. I'm thankful for that too. :D
I would pay good money to see the dwarves performing to Disco Inferno by the Trammps. The disco, the heat, it all seems so right for the dragon cave. (I hope that link works right.)
ReplyDeleteI like the new look and background. The dark background looks cooler with this type of layout, but the white does tend to be easier to read for most people.
And yeah, when my wife came into my office and saw what I was researching last night, she broke into this huge grin and quietly exited, leaving me to my research.
The link works(in my mail) and the song works too. Besides, you said the magic word for them (money) hahaha. I'm thinking maybe a slightly bit less white. Just a tiny bit.
DeleteAh! wife grinning. Excellent! :D
I like the layout. Black on white is much easier to read.
ReplyDeleteDragons don't like cats?
Thank you, Diane. Father Dragon don't like cats. It's an ego clashing issue.
DeleteLove the new look, I've been thinking of changing mine. I like the dark background too, but don't want to scare away the readers. How do you design your own background? I'm so not tech savy - need to hire a nerd! :)
ReplyDeleteAre you on blogger, Yolanda? I can guide you step by step if you are.
DeleteIs blogspot -- blogger? See, I'm not savy at all. But yes, I would love some help. I have my book cover designs I'd like to incorporate. Some time soon, let me know how it works, how we communicate. My email is yolandarenee@hotmail.com
DeleteThank you so much!
lookin' goooood!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jeremy. :)
DeleteI too prefer the white background, much easier to read for me.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to the Disco Dwarves.
Glad Sir Jeff has made a commitment even if I don't know exactly what it's about.
Forgot, love the cat pic.
I suspected most would prefer the white. About Sir Jeff's mission, it's up to him to announce his deed. I'm in the Nudging and Cheering Division. :D
DeleteLove all the dancing flames in the background. And I'm one of those people who starts seeing white spots everywhere when I read white lettering on a black background. This is much easier on the eyes.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I second Disco Inferno! Burn, baby, burn! Good luck to the Dwarves in Vegas. :)
Thanks for your comment, LG. No black then. Disco Inferno is up in the votes. :)
DeleteCool background. Change is good! I change mine two or three times a year.
ReplyDeleteThese songs are blasts from the pasts.
ANd love that cat pic. Mind if I use it on Facebook?
Not at all, Stephen. Take the cat. I like to change too. Let's see how long this one lasts. :)
DeleteI like the new look. You are one hip and happenin' dragon. The white background is fine. The black background was fine. I'm very flexible about backgrounds apparently ;).
ReplyDeleteDisco--- ahhh the era of my youth. I used to be able to do a mean hustle. And I used to love Barry Manilow. This may be too much information about my poor, misguided youth...
Ah, so you liked Disco? I'm sure you're not alone on that one. 600 are with you, hahaha. :D
DeleteDisco Inferno is good but I also like Shadow Dancing by the BeeGees and, Play that Funky Music. Can't wait to see the live performance :)
ReplyDeleteThat's an excellent suggestion! Thanks a lot!
DeleteI like the new look, but I agree with you I sort of prefer the black or darker backgrounds. I have wondered myself if I should change mine.
ReplyDeleteI ended up changing it for the sake of the readers mostly. As I said, I don't want them struggling to read me.
DeleteI like the new look, and although my blog has the white background, I think that you might be right about white being harder on the eyes. I might have to do some experimenting. Either way works because I'll still keep hanging out at the dragon cave. :)
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with Marcy - Play that Funky Music is definitely a number I would love to see the dwarves perform. :)
And Congrats to Jeff! He's definitely a Champion!
And I thank you for that, dear Tyrean. I'm registering your vote. I've just checked You should be dancing and I can't stop chuckling at my vision of the dwarves.
DeleteI like the new look. I think if you want to go with gray, it wouldn't be hard to read. Mary Pax uses gray and I love her site. Personally, I've never had trouble with the black either.
ReplyDeleteHello to Jeff!! Big waves and glad to see he is getting some dragon motivating.
Love the Cave Notice board...what a great idea!!
Ah, yes, I like Mary Pax's background a lot. I am more for darker backgrounds. I can handle clear just not too bright. :D
DeleteThanks for noticing the Notice Board, hahaha.
I really like the new look! The flame colors are awesome, and the new black font on white background can make it easier for people to read for some people.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your opinion, Cherie. :D The flames is what I love the most, hahaha.
DeleteI've got to admit, my old eyes have a terrible time with white text on a dark background. Black text on anything light is wonderful.
ReplyDeleteBut why did you have to mention Copacabana? Now it's in my head and it will be stuck there all day. Well, if I have to hear it, the Disco Dwarfs should have to, too. That's my vote.
Thanks A LOT, LD. Dwarves are registering votes, and Sessin denies it but I think he would like to dance with a fruit bowl on his head, hahaha.
DeleteHey Father D!! Great to see you!
ReplyDeleteI don't mind the white since it contrasts nicely with the groovy disco flames. How about some Disco Inferno??
Nice to see you, PK! Another vote for disco inferno. Thanks!
DeleteWhy don't you like cats?!? Too much competition for dragons?
ReplyDeleteThey purr, they wail like haunted spirits when they're in heat and they don't obey. Aside from that, they think too high of themselves.
DeleteI love the flames in the background. They're gorgeous! As for a music suggestion, maybe something by Blondie?
ReplyDeleteThanks Christine! :) Blondie, I'll have to look. It sounds familiar.
DeleteThe new look is beautiful! Love the dragon in flames. I'm dancing in my seat, imagining disco balls and 600 dwarves gyrating. :) I was shocked to see myself up in your Dragon's Eleven tab! I'm honored.
ReplyDeleteThis is actually the second time I was here this morning. The first time Youtube sucked me into its vortex and didn't let go for a while. I got dizzy and forgot where I was or what I'd been doing. Jeff's song suggestion is pretty cool. I also ran across http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7RRLC5slLo , KC and the Sunshine Band and could picture the dwarves in the video. :)
OOOOOOh Laura! I think you're up to something with this one, hahaha. This definitively has to be included in the show. I can see it in my head too. :) Thank you for the recommendation.
DeleteYour look is welcoming and friendly, Al, though it is a stark contrast from your previous look. It's your blog, so it needs to reflect your personality and the expectation of the work you present here. Blogging is an experience both by the blogger and the visitors to the blog. I've never had a bad experience here. I'll admit, the previous writing was a little harsh for my eyes, but never enough to make me quit visiting. Black on white is fine - if YOU like it. Near as I can tell, most if not all of my blogs have color backgrounds with coordinating type. You have to do what works for you. The rest will fall into place naturally.
ReplyDeleteThank you MJ. I've actually thinking on your words the whole afternoon. I think I'll make a few adjustments to fit everybody's needs the best I can but yes, I'll change the Fridge White for something a bit less straining for me. THanks!
DeleteI like the new look!
ReplyDeleteI don't mind either black or white background but readers do find it easier on the eyes with the white, so wise decision!
*Still chuckling at the cat's poster*
I would love to see the dwarves performing to Copacabana.... and to Sir Jeff Hargett, congratulations and good luck. (I'm not sure which is more appropriate for this mission so I'm going with both)
Another vote for Copacabana. Thank you SK! I think both congratulations and good luck wishes are in order. :)
DeleteOh my gosh! I'm *dying* with that picture of Jeff. Too funny!!! And the look is awesome. Love what you've done. Winner!
ReplyDeleteThanks Morgan!
DeleteI would read your blog whatever the colour but am liking your makeover. 'Burn, Baby Burn, Disco Inferno' would be brilliant for the dwarves I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteLoving the dragon pic with Jeff!
I think we have winner. Disco Inferno will be a great opening. Thanks for the vote, Suzanne! :)
DeleteI love the renovation, Al. It suits you -- colorful and lively with an artistic flare ... all of which says Father Al to me. Makes me think the dwarves do quite the fire dance.
ReplyDeleteThey didn't dance much at first but I think they're improving hahaha. Thanks MPax!
DeleteHey Al,
ReplyDeleteI note the arrival of Sir Jeff. I might add that Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar, loves the cat photo. We both love the renovations. And we also hope that the dwarves like that song, "Puff the Magic Dragon.."
Be well and with that, I shall leave now :)
Thank you Gary. Penny likes cats? THat's a surprise. I like the song but it is not disco, which would be a requisite for a Disco Show, hahaha. :)
DeleteAlways so creative, FD... I love the new look of your blog. I also had heard the same thing about dark backgrounds with light lettering. But I use a very light gray type on my dark back ground. I love the look and the designer in me will not change it now. Occasionally I use a colored type depending on the post.
ReplyDeleteSome really classic disco choices.... I always loved Manillow's Copa Copana...And the video with the stunning Annette O'toole!
So your vote goes for Copacabana. I couldn't find the video with Annette but I saw she's quite pretty. Thanks for commenting, Michael!
DeleteWelcome, honorable Sir Jeff!
ReplyDeleteLove the new look Father Dagron. In fact, the change was so smooth I actually didn't notice. I'm half blind without my glasses though.
Theme music: well, I'm a secret Barry Manilow fan. Rod Stewart too. And John Travolta is immortalized in my mind with his Saturday Night Live pose. If you really want to go disco, BeeGee's Emotion is the only way to go, in my mind. But, I do feel EWF Fantasy totally fits the motif you're cultivating for the blog, and the blogosphere. Get me?
Here's some real music to get your dwarves moving:
What disco show would be disco without John Travolta's poses? There have to be plenty! I think you and I think the same about Fantasy. I heard emotions but it is a bit too slow for what we're looking for. Yet, I do like the song too. The last one, that's a lot of fun but not disco. I'll use it to warm them up. :)
DeleteI really like the colors of the flames you have in your background, looks great in your cave. As for reading text, personally I like black text on a grey background. Sometimes a white background can be hard on my eyes, but I think I'm in the minority on this point. And I would love to see Disco Dwarves dancing to any kind of music! Any chance Jeff could perform with them? I here he's an excellent dancer. . . (;
ReplyDeleteI thought I was the only one who found white straining but here comes my good friend Elise. :) Jeff perfoming? I don't think so but I would pay good money to see him dance with the dwarves, hahaha. You gave me a wicked idea but let's see if I can work it out. :) Thanks!
DeleteHow much money are we talking about here? Every knight has his price. ;-)
DeleteThis is a good look for a dragon. I was able to upload my own picture as a background on my blog. Maybe you can do the same?
ReplyDeleteActually the backgrounds are from my own files. They're not part of templates. Too dragon fitting. :)
DeleteLoving the flames, so Dragon. Love Disco inferno, can't wait to see the opening number in vegas.
ReplyDeleteDisco Inferno is a winner now with majority of votes. Thank you for commenting. :)
DeleteLove the template and most of all thanks for the white background! I have great problems in read white on black, mostly because after that I see glowing vermin around me for ages...don’t know why! It is a nice idea to support your friends in their determination! Respect for you! And tell them your dwarves that I support the Eye of the Tiger!
ReplyDeleteEye of the Tiger is one of my favorites too, but it is not Disco. I should include it in a future drill, though. The show of the Eye of the Dragon.
DeleteGlowing vermin happens to me too but when background is too white. I've gone for something in between. Not too white but not dark either. See how it works. :D
Sorry :P I've always had problems in putting things into categories! Eye of the Dragon sounds good!
Delete¡Y me encanta ese color! ¡Perfecto!
Disco Dwarves...very cool and the music perfect. Those guys will look good in polyester and bell bottoms. Let me know if they need any alterations...I've had lots of sewing on bell bottoms. LOL..can you tell I'm a Sixty's-Seventy's Gal??!!
ReplyDeleteHow about a soft yellow, blue, or purple background...would work with your flames. Thanks for the consideration to your readers...you have a great artists eye and whatever you do will look great. It is nice to have more options for TABS. I'm working on ReVamping my Ancestor Blogs, and I'm always 'Jicking' with my Header.
Sue CollectInTexasGal
Rattlesnake Butte on AtoZ RoadTrip
Oh yeah, let's not forget those. Bell bottoms and platform shoes hahaha. Totally fashion. Thanks for the recommendation. I've picked a soft yellow-ish something. Very clear but not plain white. My eyes welcome it better. I shall check your revamping too. :)
DeleteLove this soft creamy yellow-ish! Good choice!
DeleteLove the new look and I know Disco Inferno has already won but I have to throw in a vote for Let's Groove Tonight. Perhaps the Disco Dwarves could make that their encore? I can't wait to see the show in any case. :D
ReplyDeleteAh, thank you Julie. I think that's a wonderful song, Let's Groove. I'm including it just because you and I asked for it, hahahaha. :)
DeleteI love the background! The two sidebars are little busy, but it's a great look! Love that photo-shopped image of Jeff by the way. I always wanted to pet a dragon made out of fire :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the opinion, J. You can pet a fire dragon too, you just have to commit to achieve a personal challenge. Easy :D
DeleteI like this bluish gray background that we're typing the comments on.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny...I've only been blogging seven months and have gone through four changes. My first one was black, with a font that was hard to read. I kept that for about a month. Then I had a scroll and brown font color. I changed to pale yellow, ditched the scroll, and had it for a long time like you are probably familiar. And now it's the one you see at my place.
I wish I would've taken screen shots of them all now.
I say (because this is what I do), that you make it appealing to you. Keep the readers in mind, but you'll be the one working with it all the time.
M.L. Swift, Writer
Yes, I'm familiar with the look of your previous site but I think I like the new one better.
DeleteI take your advice, Mike. I think it won't hurt anyone to make the white less white. :)
Wow...I'm really digging the new look here, Al. Very well done!
ReplyDeleteOh, and "Copacabana" all the way :)
Mark, your vote is giving Copacabana the push to stay. Thanks!
DeleteWhoa! Disco Dwarves, there's a concept to consider. When I think about all that fire breathing that goes on at your place 'Stayin Alive' by the Bee Gees kinda rings my bell. No time to read the other comments, but I bet it's already been suggested a time or two.
ReplyDeleteActually you're the first one. Disco Inferno got a lot of votes and I didn't even suggest it, hahaha. Thank you for voting!
Deletelove the colors! and the off white is easy on the eyes.
ReplyDeleteyou are going to love what i have in mind for your disco dwarves (in august)
I'm already excited!
DeleteI love the new look, Al! I think it's very cool. And I didn't realize a lot of people have a harder time reading white on dark font. When my blogging partner comes back from vacation I'll have to talk to her about possibly changing ours. Thanks for the tip and, again, the new look is awesome!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome, Karen...or Tamara, hahahaha. Well, one has to learn to adapt to changes. :) Thanks for visiting!