Only when the show started, the shocking truth sank in. I was supposed to be on the stage (with my posts) at the same time I was supposed to attend my audience (answering comments), correspond the attention by going to see their respective shows (visiting their sites) AND make rounds along the fair, standing watch for any misbehavior (minion job). If this was not enough to start pulling out my scales, in my blissful dementia I had promised my friends I would support them by watching all of their shows, the 26 of my nearly 50 (at the time) favorite bloggers. The coup de grâce was the "hot" emotional crisis I was facing due to my health issues.
I would be a hypocrite if I say I wasn't regretting my decision to participate after the third day. My mind was chaos and my heart was crushed since March 22 but I could not make myself drop the towel and withdraw. Instead, I swallowed it down and just carried on to the best of my abilities for one reason alone. I needed to focus on something different than what was happening to me. I needed time to process the challenge of my life and the A to Z offered that chance.
In the end, A to Z didn't just give me a mind diversion, it also taught me many things.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
Good. Finding reasons to laugh was the best. And I found them everyday at The Waiting is the Hardest Part. Stormy was my first visit of the day. Elise Fallson and her -ologies sometimes gave me laughter, sometimes made my jaw drop in awe (or ooooh.) Damyanti (who I still keep in my daily prayers) at Amlokiblogs was such a soothing stop for my soul. I was there everyday even if I didn't comment. Some thoughts were too private to write them down. Christine Rains kept me on my toes with her story. I liked to go to Elizabeth Seckman to confirm my levels of ignorance. Clare Dugmore was doing such a wonderful job, pity she quit. I couldn't miss a post from Moody Writing. Loved Shannon's amazing mysteries at The Warrior Muse. These are just off the top of my head but I saw many I truly enjoyed.
I want to make a special mention here because, to me, he deserves it. No one ever talk of devotion to blogger buddies until he has spent so much time and gone through so much effort as Alex J. Cavanaugh. I can only imagine how much time it took him to do what he did. Choose 26 from a list, that judging by his blogroll, can surround the dragon cave several times. Then find a relation with a character from a movie and find a song that fits the person AND make a trivia, just for the joy of it. Whoa! I'm exhausted just thinking about it. Regardless I was among the ones he honored with his effort, I must salute his one-of-a-kind dedication.
Before the challenge I had 92 followers. I got 57 new followers if my math is right (which is rare.) Among these new dragon friends, I met a few bloggers that seem to like me enough to stick around after the challenge. I'm very happy and thankful for this.
The one-man band, or in this case, one-dragon band feeling didn't let me enjoy the event as much as I would have liked. The sense of rush is overwhelming and extremely distressing. I really wanted to visit all of the bloggers with whom I feel I developed a special friendship. I felt as if I were betraying some of them by not supporting them with my comments every day. I also felt bad for not being able to answer each and every comment left in the cave, not to mention paying back the visit. At some point, I had this uncomfortable feeling I was tripping over my efforts, including supervising the part of the list that was my responsibility.
I would suggest the co-hosts to pick more minions next year, and probably do it among those who are not signing up their blogs in the A-Z. That way they wouldn't burn out the volunteers so much. Regardless the special circumstances I was living, I noticed I was not the only "minion" hinting a break down due to pressure.
The Epistle of Saint Mathew. A whole chapter of a manuscript (worth 10 pages) per post. Come ON! Really? You've GOT to be kidding me. When I ran into these types of posts, I thought on the honorable thing to do. Gather my dwarves and commit mass ritual suicide. I strongly believe the co-hosts should set a maximum word limit as a rule, not a recommendation. First, the blogger didn't get one single comment (no wonder why.) Second, it is extremely upsetting for the reader who is trying to read as many posts as possible without dying in the attempt. Even if you don't read it (that you won't) you already wasted your precious seconds in clicking on it, see the horror, and getting out of there. It is equally frustrating as running into ad-sites. It should not be allowed for everybody's sake and sanity.
If someone wants to post The Insufferable Lightness of Being Wordy in their blogs, I don't care one bit. But if they do it as part of a monster-size bloghop like the A-Z, they might wake the nasty beast inside me. Same goes for the ones who got three different subjects the same day and chose to place the A-Z at the bottom. Now waste my time scrolling down, trying to fish for the subject that brought me there. That's cheating. If you know the main traffic will come from the A-Z list (and you know it), the decent thing to do is placing the A-Z posts on top of the heap. Failing to do so should be also reason to get the blog out of the list, once again for the sake of the extremely precious time nobody has in excess.
That's why I'm marking my reflections for the Host and Co-hosts ends here. I congratulate Arlee Bird for the great idea he had in the A to Z Challenge. I also thank all the co-hosts for everything they did to make it work the best possible way.
Father Dragon and the A to Z Challenge - Disserambling
Once I said I don't do anything out of obligation. It is either for pleasure or conviction. I also said I wouldn't do anything just because that's what most people do. There has to be something involved that appeals my intellect or my heart. I don't know about tomorrow, but today I think this was my debut and farewell tour in the A to Z.
I do believe the challenge fulfills the goal for which it was created. If you make a fair play, you'll meet new people, they'll meet you, and you'll get followers. My respects to Arlee's idea.
Why I wouldn't do it a second time? I mean, besides the bad and the ugly reasons above. In a title fashion? My first name is Alex but I am not Cavanaugh.
Yes, I would like to be able to get to know one million people, and keep tabs with everybody, help everybody, be popular, etc. Reality is I have neither the time nor the strength. My priorities overall are different because I'm different and my life is different. I see the benefits of having ten thousand followers if I had something to sell, but right now, I've got only me. Having actual conversations and interaction with people bring me more joy than having a big number of followers in my blog (or in my twitter for all that matters.) I haven't seen a single comment from some of my followers and I wonder if I will ever see one, more so if they don't get one from me on their sites. My greatest pleasure has been to answer a comment and get a second reply or even a third and fourth, here or at the blogs I visit. I like to get to know the people that touches my heart.
I must confess I do not visit all the bloggers I follow either, pretty much for the same reasons. Time and strength. Actually, I am noticing my available time online will decrease in a significant way, due to the titanic effort that means to make the impossible, possible. On the "Quid pro Quo" basis the blog world works, it's very likely I'll lose more than twice the followers that I've just won because they won't see me on their sites anymore, or not as often as I used to. I've been struggling to come to terms with that. In the end, my priority number one has to be more important to me.
The glow made me want to be like the Captain Ninja and do the things he does (I think in a way everybody wants that at some point) but the A to Z Challenge taught me I am not like him. I am ten times taller, several tons heavier, many centuries older, I have wings and scales. I am Father Dragon. He is Captain Ninja. We're different. And that's perfectly fine by me because I trust he'll still be my friend regardless the number of followers I have. Just like Jeff, Laura, Gary, Elise, both Julies, Mike, Michael, both Marks, Tara, David, Lexa, Melissa, Suzanne, LD, Diane, M.Pax, Lara, Christine, Donna, Mina, Jaybird, Yolanda, Tonya, Dani, S.K., Jo, Elizabeth, C.Lee and the rest of Dragon's Eleven (that luckily for me, are like thirty.)
Next A to Z's, I rather be part of the cheerleader team and support all of my friends with my 600 dwarves, spelling each of my blogger buddies' names to thank them for everything they've given me.
Great reflections post, Al and I agree with a lot of the points you bring up. It can get frustrating when you feel like you just keep falling further behind...especially when you have a lot of real life obligations to fulfill.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I loved the trip through the Dragon's Lair and wouldn't mind seeing more of you Dwarven Army. I think we all realize that we can't be everywhere, everyday and I was guilty of not getting around to all those I wanted to, as well.
Don't worry, I'm here for the duration and look forward to more adventures from the Dragon clan :)
So you say I should let them do a career in the show business? I don't know about that. Dwarves have big egos. I'll have to ponder about it. Anyway, they'll be happy to know they have one fan already. :)
DeleteCongrats on completing the A to Z Challenge and for a most wonderful reflections post.
Thanks, Yvonne.
DeleteHi Al .. the first participation is always 'interesting' .. but you did wonders considering all things .. and I only reached you after the event - but that's the way the cookie crumbles.
ReplyDeleteI agree whole heartedly with your points - while it's essential to get everyone to understand we're all volunteers participating and we can only do what we can do ... this crowd seem to understand this.
I noticed one other 'experience' .. someone signed up for the A-Z - even asked for my help re a visit to England, but never commented back or anywhere that I could see ... I commented on a few occasions - then that's it.
My thoughts to you .. and congratulations on all you achieved ... and well done too on joining after 5 months of blogging - am certain I wouldn't have done that ..
Cheers to you - Hilary
Ah, yes, I found those too who would not go to visit other sites at all. I don't think they understand the way the challenge works.
DeleteI am really glad you found me, even if it was after the challenge. Thank you for your comment and sharing your thoughts. :)
The Captain is a legend. Don't even try to compete ;)
ReplyDeleteYour Ugly section brought tears of laughter to my eyes. I even read out portions to my hubby, I loved it so much.
Never again, that's for sure. From now on, I'll only compete with the dragon. :)
DeleteI'm glad my sense of humor still works!
Al, that's the best reflections post I've read yet.
ReplyDeleteFirst, thank you for the kind mention of my theme. And for sacrificing your dwarves to the minion cause. I admire your willingness to keep up, and I think you succeeded far more than you realize.
Minions who are not participating in the Challenge is a good idea. Actually, a couple of mine were not, which is why they didn't crash and burn.
My friend, you did an amazing job last month, especially considering your health issues. Thank you for always visiting me. Perhaps the dragon is wiser because he knows his limits.
I'm still immortal thanks to the clones though - times infinity!!!
Hahaha, yes, you are immortal, but then again, who wants to live forever? I'll leave a dragon robot with a recorded message from me telling your clones I was taller than you. :)
DeleteMy greatest satisfaction during the challenge was that I didn't let you down.
Excellent posts Al, I do agree with so many of your points, especially the ones about the extremely long posts or the hidden A to Z sections. As a minion I posted to some of them what they were doing, but some took no notice.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry you found it such a strain to cope with the A to Z I really enjoyed my tour of the dragon cave. Luckily for me time is something I seem to have a lot of.
I was so glad I got to meet both you and Sir Jeff and hope we can be friends for a long time. I do hope the dwarves didn't drink up all the wine in your cellar so you have some for your visitors.
My very best to you Father Dragon.
I did the same. I commented they should go for shorter posts, but I didn't really expect anyone to listen (as it came out to be.)
DeleteYou should pass some hours to me, if you have too many in the day, hahaha. You lucky Jo.
I already count you among my friends! Mostly because you let me hide behind your curtains, haahahahaha. I'll save you some wine. The dragon cave never runs out of wine.
My best to you too! :)
I just read the poem at this blog http://yolandarenee.blogspot.ca/2013/05/an-unexpected-emergency.html? and immediately thought of you.
DeleteThat's a relief about the wine.
Thank you Jo!!! You're an angel in chef's disguise. ;) Yolanda is my friend and if not for you, I would have missed her post and the chance to send her dragon hugs. :)
DeleteAl, there is depth and there is breadth. You offer depth which I greatly appreciate, admire and am drawn to. I think you have made a good choice for yourself!
ReplyDeleteYour words are very sweet but didn't you forget something? What happened with my hug spamming of the day? :D No matter, plenty of hugs to you!
DeleteYou like hug spamming, Al? All right! :D
DeleteI think you did an amazing job. And Alex is a special guy...I wonder how he does it too. (Must be the Ninjas...those ornery dwarfs just can't be managed as easily. As a matter of fact, the ones you sent me seemed to have gone AWOL on their way to my house!)
ReplyDeleteYou are special in your own right. I love your warmth, your strength, your dedication, and your loyalty. That makes you the hottest dragon on the block...er, blog!
You nailed it, Elizabeth. Dwarves are ornery and you can only get them to obey if you look like an angry dragon. Proof is that group I sent your way. Must have taken a stop at Acapulco. Hahaha. I love you make me smile every time you write.
DeleteYep, yep and several laughs later. :) Every year at this time I say "never again" but I end up doing it again - in a fashion that works for me. I think that's the key to my survival. I'm not Alex (I wanted to be the first time) and I know I'll burn out if I don't relax. I visit who I can, which aren't very many.
ReplyDeleteI didn't meet you until midway or so through April but I'm so glad I did. I'm honored to be a part of your Dragon's Thirtyish. Most people joining a blog role never return - the special few who connect and become friends aren't taking note of how often you might comment or fly in. We are here for you, for each other. That's as it should be.
Well said, my dear friend. Those friends are the ones who matter. You all are an inspiration and a driving force in my life, more powerful than I ever imagined. I'm thankful for that. :)
DeleteI am happy that I "met" you right on time to read your posts during your one and only AtoZ challenge. You certainly kept me entertained ;)
ReplyDeleteI was merely a commenter during the challenge and I found it daunting, I can only imagine the difficulty of having to posts, comment and be a minion. You had a great suggestion, had I thought of it, I would have gladly offered up my minion services to help lighten up your (and the others) loads.
I'm honored to find my name in the list, thank you. Of course, you will not lose me as a follower, I enjoy your blog and your kind heart far too much :D
Of course you're in my list! It wouldn't be complete without you. Next year, we can make a cheering team together, hahaha. You would be an astounding cheerleader, and surely have more success than the hairy dwarves.
DeleteYeah, time was definitely the enemy when it came to commenting on A-Z posts. It seemed like everything that could happen did, and I regret I didn't get to stop by so many old friends and new friends during the challenge. But there's still time to do so, even though it may still take a while.
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree a word count limit should be required next time.
I hope my favorite dragon is doing well! I've been thinking about you, Al. :)
You just reminded me as long as there is life, there is time. I'm doing better. Thank you for your thoughts, Cherie! Dragon hugs.
DeleteYour Reflections post was very interesting. As someone who has a difficulty keeping it short (thought I am working on this diligently), it was a Top Priority for the A to Z. The only time I failed miserably was when I wrote my post on the JFK Assassination. As I was reading about Blogs That Are Too Long, I distinctly recalled YOUR comment that you read my entire post despite how long it was because it was interesting to you. However, I do know what you are saying... there were some blogs that were ENDLESS on every single letter. I remember that Arlee indicated prior to the challenge to try and keep your posts on the short side. Reading your reflections, I can appreciate that suggestion even more!!!
ReplyDeleteI also have health issues and can only give so much time per day to blogging. It is very much a give/take event, so you can't be in it with everyone. Like you, I have no desire to have thousands of followers - because I cannot maintain that sort of interaction. I get where you are coming from there. We can't all be Ninja Captains. It sure makes you appreciate Ninja Captains, though!!!
I hope that whatever is going on with you gets better soon. Sending you love, light, positive energy, and prayers. No fun being a sick dragon.
You're right, it wouldn't be fun at all if everyone would be a Ninja Captain. What would be the magic and special about each one of us, right? And certainly we can appreciate the one and only, who will live forever (or so he says, hahahaha.)
DeleteI hope your health issues are not serious and you get well soon. I'll keep you in my thoughts and here we are to cheer you up whenever you need it. I'll get my dwarves to practice a new routine.
Thank you, Robin!
Just remember that you don't have to take any of this any more seriously than you want to. Blogging should be fun. In your case, it's exactly what you should be having.
ReplyDeleteAnd that's the irony of it all, you see? I'm always laughing at myself but some things I just take them too seriously for my own good. I must make some mental readjustment.
DeleteI'm glad I caught your A-Z it was fun and inspiring. Which is why I nominated you for an award on my blog.
ReplyDeleteAlso I agree, I love to have conversations with people, it has been my favorite experience so far doing this. I often check back to see if someone has replied to a comment. I will always follow the great dragon and happily hear the tales of his friendly dwarves. I am excited to do A-Z next year, although it definitely seems like a ton of work, at least it brought me to some new blogs and allowed me to meet some amazing people. Sending good thoughts your way.
DeleteI think one can learn a lot from the comments people leave. They are nearly as revealing (or sometimes more) than the posts they write. I like to return to check on replies, but suddenly I stopped doing it because I was too busy rushing through the sites. I got to comment on more but I felt I was making no connection at all. I really didn't like that feeling so I chose to slow down and visit fewer but truly enjoy my visits more. Thanks for the good vibe and for the award! :)
DeleteI know what you mean it could be a full time job just leaving little tidbits of a comment. Also true about learning from comments, the post tend to be edited heavily, a comment is almost like a say the first thing that pops in your head kind of deal.
DeleteYeah, and sometimes my head pops so much it would seem like a popcorn pot. :)
Deletelol, nice imagery there.
DeleteYou just summed up why I've never taken on the challenge. I'd love to but I just can't figure out how to do it well. But I am going to bookmark this post so I can come back and check out the blogs you especially liked so thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteTake care, Father Dragon.
Thank you for trusting on my recommendation. Alex Cavanaugh would say you should try because it is big fun. I say could do a drill before going for the real thing. Like in case of fire, hahaha.
DeleteThis was my third or fourth challenge and I still haven't got it right. I still manage to screw up, stress out and miss comments, but the support that I get from everyone in the process is astounding. I'm very happy to have connected with you and look forward to a long and wonderful blogger buddy/friendship. You are a priceless spirit that makes this world a better place. Be well and my thoughts and prayers are with you as you heal.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy for the new friends too and your words brighten my heart. Yes, there are some extraordinary folks in the A to Z that make it all worthy. What am I saying? Keep repeating that and next time I'll know, I'll be signing again, hahaha.
DeleteMy first challenge, and I know I got it all wrong. I enjoy my choice of theme, but think the posts should have been shorter. There was just too much information to share. I will only do next year if I'm prepared in advance and have posts no longer than 100 to 150 words. Great points all and ones I will heed!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your 'dragon hugs' we are all healing and mending and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. So appreciated! and hugs galore in return!
Your posts were very interesting and not the tenth of what I saw, hahaha. I love hugs. They are so therapeutic. :D I am glad to know you're all getting better. :)
DeleteWay to go, Al! Especially "The Ugly." Tell it like it is, I always say. I would have even made a comment to that effect on their blog: "Reading this post is going to put me into May."
ReplyDeleteI had signed up to do it, but knew I wouldn't be able to participate the way I'd have liked, so I pulled out. I may do it next year since some of the posts are already done.
Oh...and guess what? You won "The Artist's Way" Starter Kit. I haven't made the official announcement yet, but I'll be emailing you for your address. Congrats!
M.L. Swift, Writer
I won? Wooohoo! *give me a moment to do the happy dragon dance*
DeleteIf you enter next year, you'll have the free service of my dwarf cheering squad. I really hope everyone is guided into the path of brevity, though. :)
*done with the dance* I am ready to pick up my prize. :D
Greetings Al,
ReplyDeleteA most detailed and thoughtful reflections post. And you have realised just how difficult it can be to keep up with so many. I know it took me ages to finally get back here and comment.
You give a fair and balanced account in your fascinating reflections post. You mention a lot of fine and notable people. I'm delighted that you endured the challenge and I know you embrace the sincere aspects that the interaction can have. Indeed, it's not about the number of followers we have. For yes, we are all different, all equal. That's what I firmly believe in and I know you share such ideals.
I would never involve myself in this challenge. Yet, I do respect and admire you and all those who participate for the right reasons.
Be well, my friend and happy blogging.
In kindness,
As Galileo would say "And yet, it moves." You would not participate and yet you participate, in your own way. You visit people, you promote their posts and you post about it (even if it is against it with humor.) You're one funny supporter of the challenge... no, I correct that. You are a great supporter of your friends IN the challenge. You rock, Gary!
DeleteI've said it before and will undoubtedly do so again. You're the noblest dragon I know. You participated in A-to-Z on a grand, epic scale. Your effort and commitment were admirable, selfless and impressive. I'd love to have had the time and opportunity to undertake what you undertook. You cast a large shadow, my friend. (Let me know if that doesn't translate. lol)
ReplyDeleteI think I understand what you're saying. :D It's more like heart reading, hahaha. Thank you, Sir Jeff. I was very happy you joined too even if you didn't have the time. VERY happy.
DeleteA great reflection post Al!
ReplyDeleteAnd I think the general complaint was that there was just NO TIME to get around to many blogs. I know that I just about managed to get around to my regular blogger buddies. As a result, I met only a handful of new bloggers. Added to that is the fact that I was having way too much fun with my AtoZ "whacky definitions" theme.
Congrats on finishing the A to Z challenge!
Writer In Transit
And the funny definitions you've got. Very original idea, Michelle. Yes, one would need days of 48 hours to be able to cover the reading needs. Congratulations to you too!